The Biden Administration Started In Guatemala What It Is Pulling Off In the United States

Guatemalans are not surprised that Biden led lawfare against Trump. It is a movie they have seen before.

Bernardo Arevalo and Joe Biden

Donald Trump said Joe Biden directed the New York criminal case against him. Guatemalans are not surprised. Biden did worse to Guatemalanss than one sham conviction against a political opponent. 

Biden visited Gautemala three times in 2014 and 2015. Former President Otto Perez described to US media how Biden successfully pressured him to extend the mandate of the CICIG* UN commission in Guatemala. Perez also stated Biden and the US embassylobbied him to recover a lucrative contract for a US company in which Perez said Biden was a partner.

Guatemala's National Social Security Institute (IGSS) had granted the contract through a competitive process to the US company's rival in December 2014. In May 2015, the CICIG arrested the six IGSS directors and 11 others alleging the contract had been awarded corruptly.

The Wall Street Journal wrote about the illlegalities committed against and the maltreatment of the accused. Aftger Biden obtained the CICIG extension, US Ambassador Todd Robinson used it to co-opt the Guatemalan judicial system. The corrupted judiciary routinely imprisoned, as it did for Biden, the embassy's political targets without evidence, in violation of their legal rights and without bail.

The contract went back to the US company. However, the national auditing institute in 2017 ruled the contract had been properly awarded to the US company's rival. In 2019, after nearly four years in jail, all defendants in the case were acquitted, except for two doctors who had already committed suicide. Biden, Robin, and the CICIG commissioned jailed 17 innocents to obtain a contract.

Resisting Biden-regime pressure when the US-imposed high-court magistrates' term ended in 2021, Guatemalan authorities appointed independent magistrates. That freed Attorney General Consuelo Porras to process complainst against US State Department (DOS)-imposed procecutors and judges. They would make New Yok District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan look honest. 

DOS began a propaganda campaign against Porras. Despite over intervention, DOS failed to prevent Porras's reappointment in 2022. Biden appointed Robinson to lead DOS's international law enforceent (INL). Robinson then directed the electoral fraud in 2023 that installed Bernardo Arevalo as president of Guatemala. However, Porras remains an obstacle to DOS retaking control of the Guatemalan justice system to continue its anti-US policies.

Without a legal way to remove Porras, DOS and its puppet Arevalo have acted illegally. On May 5, Porras requested an injunction, stating to the high court that Arevalo's unlawful measures against her had created a "real, certain, and imminent threat" that put her physical integrity and life at risk.

The Biden regime has started doing at home what it has done in Guatemala. Examining this would show US citizens that giving the Biden regime another term would destroy the US republic.

Statement by Liga ProPatria Guatemala.

*The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (Spanish: Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala, CICIG) was an international body funded by the United States and the United Nations charged with investigating and prosecuting serious crime in Guatemala. On January 7, 2019, the agreement between the United Nations and Guatemala was terminated by Guatemalan president Jimmy Morales, evoking CICIG's alleged participation in illegal acts, abuse of authority and acts against the constitution. The UN rejected this unilateral termination, and the country's highest law court ruled against the president's decision. CICIG remains defunct. Its critics include the Socialist Party of Central America, which has charged that it advances the interests of the US and EU.

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Guatemala Joe Biden socialism crime Department of State