Mexico's Bishops Pray For Solidarity With Migrants Headed To The U.S.

Mexico faces a migrant crisis as Donald Trump returns to presidency.

Atrio Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Wikimedia

The Archdiocese of Mexico City issued its wish list for 2025, in advance of the celebration of Epiphany, asking for peace, social justice, and respect for migrants. Its goal, a statement read, is the building of a better Mexico.

Citing twelve points, the statement asked "That Mexico is a place where peace prevails, that our families can live without fear; that our streets, homes and public spaces are safe places for everyone; that the institutions in charge of guaranteeing security work on comprehensive strategies to prevent violence," according to Desde la Fe, the bishops' public voice.

They prayed, "Let us ask Holy Mary of Guadalupe to intercede for us before her Son, Jesus Christ, so that He will guides us, help us and gives us the strength to promote the joint effort that these twelve actions imply."

Another priority for the Church is for a universal, effective and accessible health system that guarantees respectful treatment, and with a special focus on mental health. The bishops asked for substantial improvements in Mexico's hospitals. The bishops also asked for a judicial system that is impartial, prompt and expeditious, while they called on officials to apply laws responsibly and honestly. They also asked fellow Mexicans to put aside differences and instead seek unity, while forging of bridges of collaboration and understanding, which, together with the integration of families, will help build a stronger and more supportive Mexico.

Regarding the border policies expected from the incoming Trump administration, the bishops called on their fellow citizens to solidarity with migrants. They asked: "That Mexico becomes a country sensitive to the suffering of migrants; that respects them, provides them with dignified treatment and recognizes them as disadvantaged brothers." The statement did not mention President-elect Donald Trump nor the United States.

The bishops of Mexico called for more attention to the needs of children, so that they can live in an environment offering health, education and dignified treatment. They called for aid to families experiencing domestic violence, imploring for emotional, legal, and social support from the government and fellow citizens. Finally, the last three wishes they expressed were for equity and equality between men and women; respect for human life, and care for the environment.

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Mexico Catholic Church Donald Trump