Michigan's Democrat Governor Offends Christians With Bizarre Video

Catholic bishops express 'profound disappointment and offense taken' following release of a video mocking their faith.

Whitmer Dorito chip

The Catholic bishops of Michigan expressed their “profound disappointment and offense taken” after Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) posted a video skit on social media in which she feed a Dorito cornship directly into the mouth of a kneeling podcaster, which has been widely interpreted as a mockery of Catholic believe in the Holy Eucharist.

“The skit goes further than the viral online trend that inspired it, specifically imitating the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, President and CEO of the Michigan Catholic Conference which represents the seven dioceses of the state, October 11.

“It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices. While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated, whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.”

Governor Whitmer posted the video on YouTube on October 11 in which she is seening placing the Dorito chip directly on the extended tongue of Canadian influencer Liz Plank. The podcaster was kneeling as the Democrat politician administered the Dorito chip in the same manner in which pious Catholics receive the Holy Eucharist. Whitmer then peers expressionless and mute into the camera.

“People of this state and across the country have grown tired of and continue to express their alarm at the bar of civility and respect toward people of faith lowering by the day,’ added Paul Long, president of the Catholic Conference, a lobby group.

“Michigan is a religiously diverse state and includes thriving communities of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim believers. The time is now for those in public office, their handlers, and strategists to return a level of respect, civility, and appreciation for those who have found peace and fulfillment in life by worshiping God and serving their neighbor.”

Following criticism, Whitmer released a statement, saying: “Over 25 years in public service, I would never do something to denigrate someone's faith. I’ve used my platform to stand up for people’s right to hold and practice their personal religious beliefs. My team has spoken to the Michigan Catholic Conference. What was supposed to be a video about the importance of the CHIPS Act to Michigan jobs, has been construed as something it was never intended to be, and I apologize for that.”

Catholic League President Bill Donohue also took issue with the video. “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer insulted Catholics nationwide when she intentionally ridiculed the Eucharist in a video,” Donohue wrote, adding: “There is no way to understand this stunt other than as an expression of vintage anti-Catholic bigotry. Whitmer’s team, and her allies in the media, are trying to distort what she did.”

Plank’s video was supposed to show support of the CHIPS and Science Act, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden in 2022 and aimed to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S. The issue has been contentious in Michigan because of opposition to the locating of a Chinese chip factoring in Michigan. “Chips aren’t just delicious, the CHIPS Act is a game-changer for U.S. tech and manufacturing, boosting domestic production of semiconductors to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers! Donald Trump would put that at risk,” Plank wrote in the video’s caption.

Donohue rejoined, “There are indeed many clips of people feeding each other on social media, but there is no reference to the CHIPS Act, nor are they eating chips. The typical video on TikTok shows one person sitting at a table, often in a restaurant, being fed — usually with a fork or spoon — by a friend.” He argued, “None of them are kneeling. None of them are receiving food on the tongue,” he added, though it’s unclear from the video whether Plank is kneeling or not. “What Whitmer did was to deride Holy Communion. There is no wiggle room for her to deny the obvious.”

Helene Hare spoke for Whitmer’s Fight Like Hell PAC and stated that Whitmer's "social media is well known for infusing her communications with pop culture.”

“This popular trend has been used by countless people, including Billie Eilish to Kylie Jenner to Stephen Colbert, and the fact that people are paying attention to a video promoting President Biden’s CHIPS Act proves it’s working,” she explained. “Republicans want to distract from the fact that Democrats have invested billions of dollars into local economies to create a record number of jobs and bring supply chains back from overseas, while Donald Trump’s policies would kill these jobs and send them back to China,” her statement read.

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Gretchen Whitmer Democrats China 2024 Election anti-Catholicism Michigan Catholic