Pennsylvania Cops Shut Down Christian Preacher For Quoting The Bible

Damon Atkins was on public property while preaching.

Damon Atkins arrest. Youtube BarelyPreacherMan Matthew Wear

Arrest of Damon Atkins. YouTube BarelyPreacherMan

A Christian preacher was arrested while standing on a sidewalk as he quoted a portion of the Bible as a government-approved LGBTQ “pride” celebration unfolded.

On June 3, Damon Atkins was standing on public property across the street from city hall in Reading PA at approximately 10 a.m. during the “Pride March and Rally” endorsed by Mayor Eddie Moran (D). Video of the arrest was posted by Matthew Wear of Reading, who had been preaching minutes before Atkins’ arrest.

In the video, Wearing says that he was told to stop preaching by Officer Bradley T. McClure. On the video, Wearing said that he continued to preach for about twelve minutes until “a cop got in my face, laid hands on me, and threatened to arrest me if I didn’t stop.”

At the 1:48 mark on the video, Atkins and other men can be seen approaching. Wearing said on the video, “This cop’s going to give them a hard time.”

On the video, Sergeant McClure approached Atkins at which the two men conferred. Atkins could be heard saying, “This is public property.” The officer said, “Let them have their event” and “Respect them.”

McClure then walked away from Atkins, who was holding a sign reading “Jesus said go and sin no more.” From the sidewalk, Atkins could be heard to say, “God is not the…”, at which point McClure turned on his heels, approached Atkins and handcuffed him as two other officers assisted. Atkins may have been about to quote the letter of the Apostle Paul, who said ““God is not the author of confusion”  (1 Corinthians 14:33) – but could not finish when he was put into manacles by McClure.

McClure claimed in an Affidavit of Probable cause that street preacher “[Atkins] was carrying a sign with a slogan written on it that showed his opposition to the event.” The document claims that Atkins “began to yell to the people” attending the LGBTQ Pride event. In the affidavit, McClure wrote: "There were a few protesters on location. I told them that they had to stay on the opposite side of the street and that they could not be disruptive."

In the affidavit, McClure wrote: “I immediately approached him and told him that, while he was free to stand on that side of the street and hold his sign, he could not cross the street nor yell comments intended to disrupt the event.” McClure claimed that Atkins “said he understood.” The officer’s statement also claimed that Atkins “resumed yelling derogatory comments to the people at the event.”

According to court documents, Atkins was charged with “Disorderly Conduct Engage in Fighting.” In Reading, a violation of the Disorderly Conduct statue includes, “the intent to cause substantial public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior.” The police claim that Atkins “yelled derogatory comments” at the participants in a permitted event.  Participants in the Pride event cheered during Atkins’ arrest.

Disorderly conduct is considered a misdemeanor offense. Atkins’ court date is set for June 16.


Martin Barillas is a writer and retired diplomat. He is the author of 'Shaken Earth' available at Amazon.

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LGBTQ free speech freedom Pennsylvania Religion Christianity