Transgender Ideology Subverts Reality And Endangers Democracy

What is a victim? He or she may have purloined the pain of others to create a reserve of moral elitism.

Russian embassy Helsinki Wikimedia

America’s moral traditions are collapsing. Radical secularism, moral relativism, raging racial and sexual accusations, and Neo-Marxism are promoted by a host of newly-minted “victims” and “social justice” militants who despise America. Facts are assaulted; falsehoods thrive. Examples are impossible to miss.

Here’s one: the eradication of sexual differences. The irrefutable fact is that sexual identity (male or female) is determined only by Nature - not “assigned at birth.” But the “victimhood” culture substitutes self-assigned “gender” for sexual identity, relying on benighted physicians to deny the undeniable.

Are Gender Ideology Debates Depolarizing? | City Journal (

Another example: Family stability and parental authority are undermined in countless schools. Many educators exclude parents from their children’s lives. Kids are taught that white people are born “racists” or that abortion is acceptable even for children, and parents need not know. Coalition For Parental Rights Website (

For many parents, pornography (even in grammar schools) and drag queens entertaining tots in public libraries are critical issues, spurred by groups such Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood’s Depraved Marketing Gimmicks (


Planned Parenthood’s promotion of sex and abortion to America’s children (

When educators are deaf to parental concerns, parents rebel. See this link: TAKE BACK THE CLASSROOM

Sometimes, an entire State college system is poisoned by “social justice” warriors: The Specter of White Supremacy in the California Community Colleges - Minding The Campus

Dangerous Ideas

Here’s another example: Men “chest-feeding” babies as “mothers” do.

CDC advises biological men on 'chestfeeding' their babies | Politics News (


Family Policy Alliance

And see the deceptive messages regularly dumped into the minds of vulnerable children by “social media:” Snapchat’s AI Chat ‘Talks’ to Kids About Gender Confusion (

Assaults on American tradition includes a Constitutional amendment proposed by Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi wants to create a Department of Anti Racism to “preclear all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas.” If an official reveals a racist streak, Kendi would empower government “with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas" (the word “voluntarily” would be amusing, were Kendi were not serious).

Kendi’s proposed Department would be independent of elected oversight or control. Who, one wonders, would monitor the monitors, investigate the investigators or pre-clear the pre-clearers? And whose standards would be enforced?

But, enough! You get the message. If you wish to pursue these issues, here’s a brief historical overview of what has happened to our nation:
(14) How the Radical Left Conquered the Culture (

Dangerous Deceptions

It’s astonishing how quickly these deceptions have become the norm in education, corporations, politics, even churches. How did this happen?

To begin with, most of us mean well, have good intentions and like to think of ourselves as blameless. We try to demonstrate our good will and not offend anybody.

But … good intentions do not always produce good deeds, wise decisions or prudent behavior. Integrity results from what we do, not merely what we intend. Indeed, sometimes our good will might be excessive, leading us to err badly, as when we settle for expediency over fidelity, or evade moral principles and take the easier path to be “nice.” Too, unilateral good is often “weaponized” against us. S, it's for very good reason that we are warned to be wary of false prophets. “By their actions you shall know them…”

The Culture Of “Victimhood”

As we study the threats to our nation posed by Critical Race Theory, by the “victim” culture and by those who despise our Constitutional foundations, certain factors are evident:

Claims of “victimhood” and “America as oppressor” are used to justify destruction of family, educational and legal structures, Constitutional traditions and moral customs.

Hostility and even death threats are directed (often, with immunity) at those who adhere to orthodox traditions.

A flood of self-righteous “virtue signaling” emerges from the “victim culture” to justify distortions of both truth and history.

The accusatory rhetoric of self-anointed “victims” claims America is filled with barbarians, “oppressors,” “haters” and anti-social nasties of all sorts. The self-proclaimed “victim” says “haters” oppress races, colors, ethnicities, genders, identities, sexual orientations and socioeconomic backgrounds as part of their white racial superiority and their rigid Christian ethic.

Many “victims” support Diversity, Inclusion and Equity to ensure fairness for “oppressed” masses and provide equal outcomes for everybody, even if some are lazy, incompetent or irresponsible.

In the last few years, declaring oneself a “victim” of racial or sexual discrimination (or even an ethnic slight) has become a cottage industry. Example: Some people now demand to be addressed by their “proper” pronoun. Apparently, this honors their new identity and bestows some sort of dignity which they would otherwise not possess.

Given the ubiquitous ascendence of “victims” in our midst, one must ask: “What, pray tell, is “victim-hood?”

Victims? Really?

To begin with, we have all felt misunderstood, especially when we’re young and/or powerless. Over time, most of us learn to roll with the punches. We learn that life is not always fair, but we move on and get over it.

Not so the “victim.”

Research in “interpersonal victimhood” (e.g., Rahav Gabay et alii.; Mattias Desmet, and many others) reports that some people are prone to see themselves as “victims-in-waiting.”

1) The self-defined “victim” may not experience personal trauma or victimization.

2) Nonetheless, he purloins the pain of others and draws from a fictitious reservoir of moral elitism.

3) He thereby attributes to himself a measure of righteous “virtue” for his imagined suffering.

4) In his worldview, his self-righteous “victimhood” bestows upon him a sense of “entitlement.”

5) His “entitlement” justifies his aggression and intolerance toward those he identifies as “oppressors.”

6) His “entitlement” bolsters feelings of virtuous moral superiority.

7) He is then inclined to trumpet his righteousness and broadcast his superiority – to “virtue signal” his righteous status.

*) “Virtue signaling” is a common trait of today’s “victim.” Yet he lacks the virtue of empathy for those he labels “oppressors,” whom he may assault (verbally or physically). His violence against “oppressors” and “haters” is, he believes, justified.

These studies indicate that self-defined “victimhood” is strongly associated with:

1) revenge,

2) a sense of moral elitism,

3) entitlement to immoral behavior, and

4) need for recognition.

Let’s Recap

So, the self-ordained victim is, he believes, “entitled” to express aggressive, revengeful behavior. He thinks his (distorted) sense of moral superiority justifies his lack of empathy and nullifies his responsibility for harm he’s willing to do to “oppressors” and to the larger society (including the Church) which, he thinks, favors the “oppressor’s” power and control.

America is oppressive, he believes, filled with racist institutions and sexist “haters,” hovering bigots, white supremacists, right-wing conservatives, Christian autocrats, TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists) and an unholy litany which insults history, reason and logic. Even patriotism is anathema.

The “interpersonal victim” is (from his early years) also likely to believe others intend to hurt him, even in ambiguous situations. Trusting others becomes problematic. Moreover, he learns to see any offense as more severe than other people do.

He attributes malice to those whom he sees as offenders, and reports his hurts as more intense and of longer duration than others. In addition, he holds onto the memory of such events for a long time. He’s prone not to forgive but to seek revenge, rather than avoid the offender, to whom he attributes bad will.

Two Other Factors

As if that’s not enough, there are several other reasons why some people abandon common sense and accept deceptions and lies.

1) One reason is called “truth bias.”

“Truth bias” inclines certain persons to think that whatever they hear, read or see is the truth. They believe (often with shocking naivete) that people are not trying to lie or deceive them.

See: Why we get conned and how to avoid it, with Daniel Simons, PhD, and Christopher Chabris, PhD (

“Truth bias” is the simplistic belief that information which is:

a) immediate,

b) seems to originate from so-called “experts,” or

c) is simply handy … is all that really matters, or is all that’s available (con artists and swindlers make fortunes from such gullibility).

2) The power of peer pressure and mob-mind.

Peer pressure triggers an often-overwhelming tendency in some people (especially social networkers) to be concerned their peers may judge them as being outside the mainstream, as outcasts … to be rejected, humiliated. Some children even declare that they’re “transgendered” to avoid exclusion by their peers.

The effects of “peer pressure” are not limited to the young. Many immature adults find peer pressure so powerful that they sacrifice their integrity and capitulate to the “mob-mind,” rather than be thought of as uncool or out-of-it.

The “mob-mind” (or “mob mentality”) is a very real, very powerful tool for the control of whole nations, as history re-asserts and our present culture reveals (see Desmet).

Living With Facts

History tells us that Americans have made grave mistakes. Our errors are self-evident … but our Constitutional Amendments testify to our nation’s efforts to remedy our blunders. From our inception, America has done its best to heal our human errors by responding to “the better angels of our nature.” We learn, slowly, but with avowed dedication to the Divine Ideal.

Thus, it is a lie - a grave distortion of history - to portray our country as an oppressor nation. Yet, this is exactly what today’s self-defined “victims” preach.

Lying sanitizes evil. Preaching falsehoods is a form of violence against Truth and the American people. No wonder violence gains support (even among legislators) in our morally polarized society.

As lies are accepted, denial and ignorance follow. A code of immorality replaces the rightly-educated conscience. This code is based on individual impulse and narcissistic urges which obliterate the best of America’s traditions and religious beliefs.

It is crucial Americans understand the shrewdly crafted beliefs of today’s “victimized” partisans, whose creed of Critical Race Theory voids honest dialogue, is deliberately destructive in its Marxist roots, and intends America’s destruction.

To Sum Up . . .

Clearly, many otherwise-intelligent people in America are willing to abnegate their individual rights, jettison their common sense, deny scientific facts, ignore religious teachings and moral guidelines, eschew long-standing social customs and ignore centuries of tradition … and accept the untruths and dangerously irrational ideas which are capturing the soul of our country.

So, with the above ideas in mind, let us hope we all have a better grasp on the human dynamics and false doctrines which now threaten our national identity and, at times, threatens us as grateful citizens of our extraordinary Republic.


Daniel Boland PhD is a psychologist and author. See Away With Words.

Topic tags:
psychology Religion Christianity Catholicism LGBTQ Transgenderism politics United States progressivism human rights